3. Evaluation tools

Tool name

(group of tools developed using similar basic principles)

Case Studies
Outil d’Analyse des Systèmes de Surveillance

Tools using assessment principles first described in OASIS

Evaluation tool for surveillance systems in animal health, food safety and plant health.

Oasis documentation

Evaluation of collaboration for surveillance

Tools using assessment principles first described in OASIS

Evaluation tool for the organization, functioning and functionalities of collaboration taking place in a multisectoral surveillance system.

FAO Surveillance Evaluation Tool

Tools using assessment principles first described in OASIS

Surveillance evaluation tool by FAO.

The FAO Assessment Tool for Laboratory and AMR Surveillance Systems

Tools using assessment principles first described in OASIS

A tool to help identify targets to improve national AMR surveillance systems in the food and agriculture sectors.

SuRveillance EVALuation framework

Tools using assessment principles first described in SERVAL

Evaluation framework for the comprehensive evaluation of single surveillance components (activities) or entire surveillance programmes.



Tools using assessment principles first described in SERVAL

Surveillance evaluation tools and framework (The evaluation (EVA) tool)  included in SurvTool aims at providing step-by-step guidance for the evaluation of surveillance.

Surveillance Evaluation Framework

Tools using assessment principles first described in SERVAL

Surveillance evaluation tools and framework for the animal, plant, environment and marine sectors.

Integrated surveillance system evaluation project

Other surveillance evaluation tools

A conceptual framework to facilitate the development of an evaluation protocol for integrated surveillance systems for AMU and AMR.

The FAO Progressive Management Pathway for AMR

Tools relevant for evaluation but not specific to surveillance

Tool developed by FAO to provide guidance to countries for developing and operationalizing their multi-sector ‘One-Health’ National Action Plans on AMR (NAP) through a stepwise approach.


Joint External Evaluation tool (2nd edition)

Tools relevant for evaluation but not specific to surveillance

Tool developed by WHO to establish country specific status and progress in achieving the targets defined by the International Health Regulations (IHR).  

International Health Regulation core capacity monitoring framework

Tools relevant for evaluation but not specific to surveillance

Tool developed for the assessment of specified capacities at the human-animal interface in the IHR Monitoring Framework.

One Health Assessment for Planning and Performance

Tools relevant for evaluation but not specific to surveillance

A tool to assess multisectoral coordination mechanism maturity and provide data for decision-making that would enhance organizational capacity and One Health performance.

OIE Tool for the Evaluation of Performance of Veterinary Services

Tools relevant for evaluation but not specific to surveillance

Tool for the evaluation of the application of standards and guidelines as published and promoted by OIE.  

Network for the Evaluation of One Health Framework

Tools relevant for evaluation but not specific to surveillance

A tool to assess the extent to which the six aspects of knowledge integration are implemented in an initiative or a surveillance system, including systems thinking, planning, transdisciplinary working, sharing, learning and systemic organisation