Matrix guidance

Matrix framework

This evaluation guidance aims to provide support towards the evaluation of surveillance systems for AMU and/or AMR, to personnel working in public, private and non-governmental organizations, from public health, animal health, plant health, environmental health, at local, national and international levels. Selecting an appropriate tool for evaluation is part of the evaluation process. It will support the evaluation planning and help define data and information needs.
The guidance helps users interested in conducting an evaluation of AMR and/or AMU surveillance to:

  • Gain an overview of evaluation frameworks and tools available
  • Understand what distinct frameworks and tools have to offer
  • Identify the most suitable evaluation framework or tool taking into account evaluation goals and objectives
  • Be aware of the pros and cons and requirements of the evaluation frameworks/tools of interest and find out what other users thought of them

While the guidance is useful for both integrated and non-integrated surveillance of AMU and AMR, it includes specific guidance for the evaluation of integration aspects of AMU and AMR surveillance systems taking a One Health perspective. There are six parts to this tool, please see menu.

Important disclaimer:

This guidance does not endorse any of the listed evaluation tools. In the case study section, users provide their subjective experience, and some tools were also self-evaluated by the developers/owners. These reviews do not constitute an assessment of the quality of the evaluation tools.